goose hollow foothills league

Contact Us

TO CONTACT THE NEIGHBORHOOD:  Please email us at, or contact us using the form below.  Neighborhood questions may also be directed to the Neighbors West-Northwest offices at 503-823-4288.

For more information about our committees, click here; to view a list of our board members, click here.

TO CONTACT THE CITY:  To report graffiti, problems with parks, plugged storm drains, broken street lights, or potholes, please dial 311 or use the online PDXReporter app  The city also provides a PDXReporter phone app (iPhone & Android) that allows you to take and send a picture of the issue with geotagging to alert city personnel.  Click on picture below:


Need a Police Officer: (call 503-823-0097 -- Central Precinct Front Desk)

Noise Violations: Title 18 of the City Code requires construction companies to make no noise prior to 7 am and to cease noise at 6 pm.  Please call the city at 503-823-7350 to report a problem.  File noise complaints online or visit the city's noise complain website.

CONCERTS AT PROVIDENCE PARK -- The Good Neighbor Agreement executed by the Stadium management (Peregrine) and the City and accepted by the Goose Hollow Foothills League allows Peregrine to host ten "special events" each year, 8 of which can be concerts.  “Foo fighters” will be the first of those on August 16th, a Friday evening.  These events are required to douse the stadium lights by 11PM weekends (10PM weeknights), and their noise permit currently prohibits amplified music after 10PM.  Peregrine has requested a noise variance that would change the terms of their existing noise permit… but it is not likely that any planned concert will go as long as 10PM, let alone 11.  Primary problems of Providence Park concerts will likely be traffic and parking… and those impacts could last longer than 10PM, and depending on after concert activities, substantially longer.

Illegal Camping: Set up an online account and report at  Camping is prohibited on public property and public rights of way (14A.50.020).  

Illegal Car Parking: You can check whether a parked car has the proper (Zone A or Zone B) area parking permits by inputting the car's license plate number here.  Use to report illegal parking and abandoned vehicles, or call 503-823-5195 (PBOT Parking Enforcement) or 503-823-3333 (police non-emergency number) -- PBOT link.

TRASH:  Use PDX Reporter to report camping, trash, and abandoned vehicles in the public right of way.  Check here if reporting violations on your private property.  You can track reports made to PDX Reporter through the Impact Reduction Program Data Dashboard.  For dumped garbage, contact RID Patrol and follow reports here.

Improper Lane Closure: Construction and utililty companies are required to have a permit for lane closures.  Check to see if they have a current permit for the street closure.  If they do not, call the Portland Bureau of Transportation inspection line and they will send an inspector to the job site [503-823-7002].

Dog Barking: Dog owners have a responsibility for the noise their pets make.  Multnomah County has a defined escalation process to handle such incidents.  More information can be found here.


  • Report Graffiti using online reporting page here by uploading a picture of the graffiti and noting location and contact information in case questions arise, or alternately call 311 to report.  The online report takes less than 5 minutes to complete.
  • Repair Grant are available for Small Businesses through Prosper Portland (link)
  • Free Graffiti Removal Kits are available and include solvent, gloves, safety glasses, cleaning rag, small nylon scraper, small bucket, and a link to an instructional video.  To request your kit, email  The city requests that you allow them to clean up graffiti on the face of traffici signs, so report this online or call 311.
  • For Graffiti Removal Assistance, first submit a graffiti report.  Second, complete the Graffiti Removal Service Agreement Waiver and email to  Generally, the following eneitites qualifiy for assistance: (i) anywone impaced by hate graffiti and most gang graffiti, (ii) small businesses with 1-10 employees [cannot be a corporate franchise], (iii) any single-family home, condo or apartment building with 1-10 units, and (iv) nonprofit organizations with 100 or fewer employees.
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