goose hollow foothills league

Vision Realization Committee


Committee Chair:  Timothy Moore (email)

Final Principleshere (Oct. 11, 2013)

DRAFT District Goals/Policy/Actionhere (Feb. 14, 2014)

Committee Meetings:  The VRC committee has been folded back into the Planning Committee, with meetings scheduled 7:00pm every 1st Thursday of the month in room 210 of the First United Methodist Church at SW 18th and Jefferson.

Mission Statement:  The primary goal of the VRC is to help drive our neighborhood's Vision Statement, developed by the GHFL, by holding discussions on issues that will affect the upcoming CC2035 plan and specifically the SW Quadrant Plan. Although the Quadrant planning phase of the CC2035 will enable public participation, this process is intended to jump start the discussion and frame it in a context important to the neighborhood. Each meeting will be held for one-hour, at a regularly scheduled time, once a month. The discussion will be moderated to stay on topic and focused. If a particular topic appears to need additional discussion time, it will be picked up at the following meeting. If the agenda appears to continually be pushed out, the committee may be asked to meet twice monthly or weekly as agreed upon by the committee members. A draft agenda outline can be found here. Links are below:

      Sept. 2011                      Mar. 2012                     Sept. 2012  
      Oct. 2011 Apr. 2012 Oct. 2012  
      Nov. 2011 May 2012    
      Dec. 2011 June 2012    
      Jan. 2012 July 2012    
      Feb. 2012 Aug. 2012    

Portland Plan Logo (partial) Portland Plan 

PDX Planning & Sustainability Logo Planning & Sustainability 

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Lincoln High School Lincoln High School

Univesity of Oregon University of Oregon

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