goose hollow foothills league

Parking & Transportation Committee


Committee Chair:  Susan Younie (email)

Mission Statement: The purpose of the GHFL Transportation and Parking Committee (TPC) is to serve as advisors to the GHFL Board of Directors on monitoring and advocating for parking and transportation related issues as they affect the Goose Hollow neighborhood.  Members will provide input to the GHFL Board of Directors on transportation and parking issues of local significance.

       MINUTES:   July 2015


Report: (Mar. 2014) The preliminary parking survey report [DRAFT version 2.0] has now been released.  A list of GHFL member comments about parking in the neighborhood can be found here.

Report: (Oct. 2013) 

Parking Survey (Now CLOSED) -- The Goose Hollow Foothills League (GHFL) would like your opinions about parking and transportation safety in our neighborhood.  The results of this survey will help inform the Board about neighbors' concerns and identify priorities for improving the environment in the Hollow.  Please take a few minutes to share your insights with us.  The survey takes about ten minutes to complete.  You can also download the flyer here.

Other issues with respect to parking in Goose Hollow:

  • SW Salmon and 18th Parking lot restrictions -- With respect to the parking restrictions in the SW Salmon and 18th parking lot, we have decided not to pursue this issue any further at this time.
  • SW Columbia TriMet layover facility -- Catherine Ciarlo, Director of Transportation for the Mayor’s office has not had any follow-up with us since our meeting in May.  We have once again requested an update on their progress for this meeting.  If we hear anything, it will be reported to the board.
  • Washington Park Parking meters -- We are in communications with the Arlington Heights and Sylvan-Highlands neighborhood associations for their respective inputs on this issue. Further information will be presented to the board on Thursday, July 19, 2012 as information develops. 

The following lists some of the more recent official correspondence sent by the GHFL (in reverse chronological order) regarding parking and transportation issues:

  • November 18, 2011: Letter to City Council objecting to the continued use of the 1600 block of SW Columbia Street as a bus layover location and a request to return the street-front to public parking. (Turner) TriMet's Nov. 29 response is here.  TriMet's May. 29, 2012 follow-up response is here.
  • May 2, 2011: Requests update from Trimet on elimination of layover stops in Goose Hollow of bus Lines 6, 43, and 45, as well as reduction of layover on SW 16th and Columbia to originally proposed 100 feet. (Turner) TriMet's May 12 response is here.
  • March 15, 2011: Requests that City Council delay vote on raising parking rates and operating hours during Jeld-Wen Field events. (Smith)
  • March 15, 2011: Expresses position to Ramon Corona, Portland Parking Control Manager, that GHFL cannot endorse changes to parking rates/operating hours without public input. (Turner)

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