goose hollow foothills league

Our Future

The future looks bright for Goose Hollow.  Projects that could possibly affect the landscape of the neighborhood include streetcar and other transportation improvements, a remodeled Lincoln High School campus, Major League Soccer in a remodeled Providence Park, a proposed Urban Renewal Area (URA), and the Board's own preliminary visioning.  Click on the links below to explore Goose Hollow's possible future:

Goose Hollow Image Charting Goose Hollow's Future (updated March 17, 2011)

Main Street Icon Creating a Mainstreet in Goose Hollow

Lincoln High School Icon Lincoln High School rebuild, Lincoln High School Visioning Report (2008) and BOMA Study (2009)

Construction Icon West Burnside/Couch Project

Transit Icon Streetcar Plan (see pages 55-56)

URA Icon URA Study -- Central City Plan and presentation // Nov. 19, 2009 URA slides and video presentation (at 25:45)

PDX 2035 Plan Central City 2035 Plan

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