Bylaws Committee
Committee Chair: Eva Kutas Members: J. Charles Griggs, Bridget Bimrose, and Isabel Kjaer (email)
Mission Statement: To conduct review of current bylaws and propose amendments/updates (1) to cure any discrepancies with current practice, and (2) to try to improve clarity of procedures, scheduling and conduct of meetings, communications by or on behalf of the Board, and the grievance process. The Bylaws committee meets the fourth (4th) Wednesday of every month at the Legends Condominiums [1132 SW 19th Ave.].
Report: (April 2019) Committee reconstituted to recommend housecleaning amendments to the GHFL bylaws, and to oversee and make recommendations on proposed amendments to the NWNW bylaws. A redline summary of proposed Articles of Incorporation changes can be found here. Fourth set of proposed bylaws (here) have been approved by the committed and will be discussed at the next GHFL Board meeting. First, second, and third sets of amendments discussed in previous Board meetings. Proposed changes (here) to election of directors to be discussed at April 2019 meeting.
January 2015 Agenda // March 2015 Minutes // April 2015 Agenda // May 2015 Minutes // June 2015 Minutes // December 2015 Minutes // September 2016 Minutes // August 2017 Minutes // October 2017 Minutes // January 2018 Minutes // June 2018 Minutes
Goose Hollow Links
- Bylaws (updated January 2019)
- Articles of Incorporation (and 1990 Amendments)
Office of Neighborhood Involvement (ONI) Links
- NWNW Bylaws (updated May 2008)
- ONI Standards (last updated Oct. 2005)