goose hollow foothills league

Election Committee

Committee Members:  Eva Kutas, Jacquie Tracy, and Timothy (TJ) Anderson (email).

Mission Statement: (from the Bylaws Section 3.3)  The Board of Directors shall appoint an election committee of at least three voting members of the League. At least forty (40) days before the Annual Meeting the committee shall inform the membership of the upcoming election, identify the number of vacancies, and issue a call for candidates for directors. The committee shall confirm that all candidates are GHFL members. The names of the candidates and any personal statements by the candidates shall be posted to the League's website. The committee shall limit such statements to 100 words..

Report: (September 2024)  Elections of new Board members shall take place at the GHFL Annual Meeting on Thursday, November 21, 2024 at the Multnomah Athletic Club (1849 SW Salmon St.).  The meeting begins at 7:00 PM.  Statements from declared candidates thus far will be posted here.  Candidates submitted after November 12th, including those nominated from the floor at the Annual Meeting, will be eligible as write-in candidates.  Election results will be announced at the Annual Meeting and posted on the GHFL website.  (Notice)

Minutes:  from 2016 election (Sept. 2016)

Next Meetings:  TBD.


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