goose hollow foothills league

Portland in 1939

Portland in 1939

THE BANNERS ARE HERE!!  Celebrate your neighborhood by hanging one of our beautiful Goose Hollow (est. 1845) banners -- see picture to the right.  More information on how to get them can be found here.

Goose Hollow is one of the oldest neighborhoods in Portland.  Established in 1845 when Daniel Lownsdale started a tannery on the site of today's stadium, it has become one of the most beloved and storied neighborhoods of Portland.  The mostly Irish, German, and Jewish immigrants who lived in the "workingmen's cottages" of The Hollow once let their geese run freely throughout the neighborhood.  The women who owned the geese raised a ruckus when a police office tried to divide the flock and send them home.  This famous incident (written up in the Oregonian as "A War About Geese") led to the neighborhood's name.  Once an outer suburb, it is now steps from downtown, the West End, the Pearl, and Northwest Portland.  (map)

Goose Hollow itself, is the site of a pond, long since drained, that was the primary residence for a substantial goose population in the late nineteenth century.  It is an outskirt of downtown that mixed commercial, residential, industrial, and highway commercial activities in an area that had been family farms and Portland suburbs before the automobile.

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